Walking in Charles’ Neighborhood: The Water Tower

Walking in Charles’ Neighborhood: The Water Tower


It’s been a long time since I’ve posted. I’ll start slowly and follow Charles’ pathways through this neighborhood. This is where he wrote his memoir and where he fought PTSD as he remembered. Walks through the neighborhood helped to ease his anxiety and got him back to writing. Maybe they’ll help me, too. 

As he took long walks in the neighborhood, Charles used to see this 80’ metal structure on the roof of an Albert Kahn building that became Dalgleish Cadillac. When the dealership went out of business, the ingenious Tom Brennan rescued this 80′ tall water tower and had it transported 1.5 miles. Now it’s now 1.5 blocks away and being repurposed as the entrance to the El Moore public gardens.

I love it and I know Charles would, too – Adaptive reuse and flowers!

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